The Conscious Leadership Blog

Hosted by Be in the Room: The Conscious Leadership Collective for Women in Business

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7 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Take an Art Class

November 08, 20226 min read

Most entrepreneurs focus on taking business classes to help them run their businesses more effectively. While this is important (and having a background in business is definitely a huge advantage in the entrepreneurial space), it can be beneficial for you to take an art class as well.

Art classes run so much differently than a typical business class. Everything from the role of the instructor, the attitude of your peers, and the overall atmosphere of the space. In several cases, business classes tend to be about competition while art classes focus on collaboration. As an added bonus - art can help you unleash your creative side and come up with new ideas for your business.

Pinterest: 7 Reasons Why Every Entrepreneur Should Take an Art Class

Meet Guest Speaker: Jessica Kroll

Jessica is the marketing manager for Be in the Room. She has a background in art and design, majoring in Graphic Design with an emphasis in Design for Marketing. She believes success is most prominent (and fun!) when you find a balance between strategy and creativity. She loves to experiment with new ideas and believes that a best practice is only a best practice until you are willing to experiment to create something even better.

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Experience Collaboration Over Competition

In a traditional business class, the instructor has the answers, and you're trying to impress the leader and outshine your peers. It's about being the best. In contrast, in most art classes, the leader acts as a guide. Your projects are not "right" or "wrong," but rather, the goal is to end the class with more talent than when you started. Your peers play as much as a role in helping you improve your abilities as the leader.

This type of collaborative atmosphere gives you the option to receive multiple points of view, and several suggestions for improvement - and the best part is, it's is ultimately up to you to choose how you want to grow rather than feeling forced to do something one way to achieve a particular result.

Only Be in Competition With Yourself

Art classes teach you that you are in competition with yourself and yourself alone. In a traditional business class, you are in competition with those around you. If you are an entrepreneur focused on solely taking business classes, it's no wonder you constantly feel at competition with everyone around you.

As an entrepreneur, it's important to remember that you are your own biggest competition. Only by challenging yourself and pushing yourself to be the best can you truly grow and reach your full potential. When you're competing against everyone else, you're limiting yourself - but when you're in competition with yourself, the sky's the limit.

In an art class, this type of self competition is embraced. You are constantly working to improve your skills, but you're doing it in a way that allows for collaboration and support from your peers. This atmosphere allows for growth in a more natural way, as it's based on encouragement rather than intimidation or comparison.

The Result is Ultimately Up to You

In an art class, you are constantly receiving feedback from your peers - but it's up to you to decide what feedback you take and how the end result looks. All that matters in the end is that YOU are happy with the result.

The same should be true for your business. While the numbers are important, they don't matter if you're running a business you don't love. If you're taking everyone else's suggestions and doing work you don't love, your business is no longer your business, but rather a mix of things other people told you your business should be.

Learn Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism is one of the most important tools an entrepreneur has in their toolkit. It can help them improve their business, and make better decisions. However, it's important to know how to give and receive constructive criticism effectively. In the conversation between Jessica and Ryann, Ryann mentions that in traditional businesses classes, she was never taught how to give proper constructive criticism - and it was something she had to learn well after her college years. Jessica learned constructive criticism very early on - and was even graded on it in a few of her art classes!

The Compliment Sandwich:

When giving constructive criticism, it's important to remember to start with a compliment - mention what is going well and what you like. Then, offer suggestions for improvement. Finally, wrap up with another compliment or form of praise.

Learn to Rise Together

In traditional business classes, the focus is on rising to the top. Oftentimes, even if unintentionally - the journey is taken alone. This is because you are viewing other people in your industry as your competitor, and the goal is to be "better" than everyone else rather than figuring out how you can climb together. This type of atmosphere can create a lot of stress, and it's no wonder so many people feel overwhelmed when they start their own businesses.

In contrast, in your typical art classes - the focus is on rising together. The goal is that everyone improves, everyone creates something amazing, and everyone wins. The journey is a lot more fun when you're not doing it alone - and it's easier to reach your goals when you have support and encouragement from those around you.

Running a Business is an Art

Running a business is an art. It's not about having all the answers, it's about being willing to take risks and trying new things. It's about being flexible and adapting as you go. And it's about always learning and growing - both personally and professionally.

Imagine having a messy idea and turning it into something beautiful and amazing? Or having an undesirable situation but navigating it gracefully and creating something incredible on the other side? This kind of feminine energy, typically associated with the more creative mind rather than the strategic and business mind, is what art classes are all about. It's about turning the mess into something beautiful.

Your business is an art. And yes, the numbers are incredibly important, but you need BOTH the strategic business mind and a creative, free flowing mind to create something that is both profitable and truly beautiful.

It's Fun!

Finally, it's just fun! It's no secret that running your own business can be stressful and overwhelming at times. We all need to remember to have a little fun along the way! Because ... if you're not enjoying yourself, what's the point?

Traditional business classes teach entrepreneurs the business mindset and strategies they need to know to be successful. Art classes focus on bringing your creativity forth, rising together and creating something beautiful. When it comes to running a business that you love, both are essential. Yes, the numbers matter, but not at the expense of your (or your employees!) happiness. Take a moment to fuel your feminine energy, the creative side of your brain and see what happens. After all, running a business is an art.

Inside Be in the Room, we focus on collaboration, growth, connection. We believe you should never choose between two things that you want - because you can have BOTH. Ready to learn more about this supportive, no BS community for women in business? We are waiting for you.

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Jessica Kroll

Marketing Manager for Be in the Room. Mom of 2. Our community is brought together by the desire to do things differently, and to be surrounded by like-minded women who understand the challenges (and the triumphs) that come with being a female leader.

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