The Conscious Leadership Blog

Hosted by Be in the Room: The Conscious Leadership Collective for Women in Business

The Power of Connection: How Women Leaders Can Get Anything and Everything They Want

The Power of Connection: How Women Leaders Can Get Anything and Everything They Want

April 08, 20234 min read

Over the years... I've learned just how powerful connections are. Connections are what led me to my (at the time) dream job. Connections are how I got my first client when I stepped into entrepreneurship. Connections are what led me to hiring the incredible team I have that powers my business behind the scenes. Connections are what enabled me to start my second business. Connections are how I built the foundation of the Be in the Room community.

It only takes one relationship to go from where you are to where you want to be. My friend, you are literally only ONE relationship away from anything and everything you want.

I'm going to share with you a few ways ONE relationship has helped me move forward in incredible ways.

The Dream Job Connection

Once upon a time before I stepped into entrepreneurship, I applied for a job at a Director level. I had zero connections inside of the company, and received an email letting me know they were not interested and that I was asking for too much money.

Several months later, I was hired - by this same company. BECAUSE of my network - but I wasn't in any networking groups. I simply had really good relationships with a few people who knew people... who knew people who referred me to the position.

See, when I was a stranger on the internet, I wasn't considered. But when I had a connection... I was a perfect fit - and suddenly they could afford me.

The First Client Connection

My very first business was helping women learn how to sell their services so they could grow their businesses enough to leave their 9-5. My first client didn't come from ads or a stranger who happened upon my Facebook group. My first client came when someone I knew, knew someone else who needed what I offered.

Because I had a good relationship with someone who knew what I was capable of, I was referred to someone who needed my skills. Because this was a referral from a mutual connection, there was an instant trust factor.

My friend, this is the power of relationships. When you have a good relationship with someone who knows what you do, knows your talents, and who trusts you...your opportunities are endless.

The Hiring Connection

The team I currently employed never filled out a job application. I didn't advertise anywhere. I didn't have to sift through hundreds of applications playing guessing games of who was going to be the right fit - and who simply looked good on paper.

My sister has helped me in a variety of ways over the years. From expert mindset coach to admin tasks and everything in between, she's been an exceptional addition to my team - I don't feel like this one needs an explanation of how we met.

My director of ops I met through one of my programs. She was on the path of building a business when she decided she was better suited to be a leader within someone else's business. I already knew her skillset and I knew what she was capable of - so I jumped at the opportunity to hire her. She didn't fill out an application, and I didn't need references.

My creative marketing strategist worked with me at a former agency. She spent a lot of time in my office - and I recognized her talent and passion for what she wanted to do (and saw that what she truly wanted was NOT going to happen at the agency we were in). As fate would have it, we were both after time and financial freedom doing something we loved - I wanted to run a business, she wanted to help one grow. We stayed connected for a couple years before I brought her on full-time - and the application process was me shooting her a text message asking her to join me.

Oh, and the best part is - my entire team has gone with me from business to business. They're always excited to bring my visionary ideas to life.

The Power of Connections

I cannot count the number of opportunities that have presented themselves over the years all because of a good relationship. I've partnered with amazing women, I've been invited to podcast interviews and book tours, I've been asked to be a part of Masterminds and Live Events - all because people who knew me had a good relationship with someone else they thought could benefit from what I did.

Relationships are invaluable. They help you move forward in a way that you could have never imagined. They are what will fuel your next incredible opportunity and shape the next chapter of your journey.

You do not need to be in a dozen networking groups that feel pushy, salesy, and inauthentic. You need need real relationships - with the right people, in the right places. That's how you create success.

My friend, you are ONE relationship away from anything and everything you want.

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Ryann Dowdy

Ryann Dowdy is a community builder and expert in sales. She's built multiple 7-figure businesses of her own - and helped hundreds of women successfully build the 6 and 7-figure businesses of their dreams. Women have been drawn to her programs not only for her incredible expertise, but also for the community and connection opportunities they find themselves missing in their everyday lives. Today, as founder of Be in the Room, Ryann's mission is to create a space for women to come together and be fearlessly themselves while empowering the next generation of female leaders.

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